i thought that i'll post in sumthing new also before i put my film up,so here's a very quick color study called the "swamp mornin":)
I thought this time I’ll share my short animation film with u all .
It’s called ”A Hunter’s tale” a pretty simple story. about a hunter and his realizations towards the animal world.
This was a wonderful experience and my small n humble attempt to understand various aspect of story telling and visual tonality which goes into making a film ,and the pursuit to know more about the story world still continues ,
.i enjoyed each n every bit of it .sleepless night’s, drawing away to my life and mixed paint stored in big soda bottles so I have enough supply of a particular shade to maintain color consistency of my characters in the film sheets scattered around in my room and that constant buzzing of studio scanner ,took me close to six thousand fully hand painted frames to complete this Everest job n a big thanks to all those who helped me scan these big bundles.
And I owe it a lot to all who helped me put this together,
now when I look back at it I can see zillion ways I could have made it better ,but we all evolve as people and artists n it’s good if we feel this way in retrospect .but one can’t take away the fact that something’s which u do for your own self and with so much heart will always remain emotional n at sum level will define you.
i think after my current project is over which I’m very excited about .soon will share some work ,
maybe a short film after that ..who knows:)
few explorations of te cha and environments..did one 14feet long bg for this film ..was trippy:)

hi ..i owe an apology to those who came beofre and commented on the same post previously , sum technical fault happened and i had to delete the entire thing. n the comments went off too ..
so really sorry for the mishap ...
vijay- thanks for ur humble words bro..i got nostalgic too while uploadin the film, and remembered the good ol times:)
aalok - glad to hear from u on the fil ..n yes we should totally catch up:)
pumpkin - i 'm soo sorry friend ur coment got deleted ..thanks a lot for stoppin by :)checked out ur blog too , sum cool stuff there :)
amazing work here
Awesome!!! Great work, loved the short film, it was very fun to watch! Can't wait to see what you do next!!!
Thanks mehdi ...ur stuff's awesum too. thanks for flotin in:)
Oscar ..thanks u soo much , n for ur patience to see the film..i'm glad u saw:)
i am pretty excited for my next project ..i'm doin the story along with the art , so it's kinda of a complete attempt for me ...very soon u'll see sum of tht up on my blog :)
nice and simple story...liked it
quite an entertainer...executed really well.....I'm still looking forward to see the one with the tiger and the witch:).....hope to see more soon!
oh wow i really like the lion character make me happy when i see him hahaha:)...
Thanks "V" ..i started a painting on the withch stories ..high time to get bak to that one:)
El gato....glad to hear from u:)
this was my student project done sum four years back ..the project brief was to do sumthing for children , so came up with a very simple story,the "Lion" was a big hit wth the kids too:)
Alina- thanks for visitin .
thanks guys
Ciao, I discovered your blog by Alina's.
It's great!!! I really love the "folk" side of it, so traditional and modern at the time. Great little movie, amazing the final dance :D I wanna dance with lions and elephants too!!! Like you do.
A hug
you really do fun things with shape!!! Lovely colors and design!
hey what a lovely story.. all the characters are so adorable .. love it !
WOW! many many hugs to u :)
i'm such a big admirer of ur work ..it's
so INSPIRIN , thanks for ur humble gesture:)
lots of regards and luv from india
thanks for droppin by friend.i really sucked at color ha..ha....i think i still do...tryin tryin :)
Pea- thanks for visitin ..gald u liked the film ...i thought of a much excitin climax but cause of crunch time coud not do it .
i thought i'd write bout my still "ON" struggle to understand form n design ..
i reallly like explorin forms and shapes ,n relate it to a certain emotion , so the form fits the character. understanding the need of the story will make u pick the forms accordingly ., lettin the story get inside u create more depth to a form .cause then it starts representing an idea.
and sumtimes the forms help u find the story ..it's always a two way traffic n that's what makes this trip so interestin for me :)
durin the film i did not hav much understandin of the inherent emotional quality of forms and shapes ..for instance i would hav luved to go a little abstarct to get more indegeneous shapes to fit my story ...also to hav more depth n variety to composition ,understandin how forms interact with each other helps a lot to define compositions better. when u evolve as an artist it's jus not only about understandin "detaling" but understandin "detailing" in "simplicity" and clearity ..
and finding combinations in approach makes it real fun.
i keep looking at artist's like paul klee, picasso, miro n many more to understand these aspects or jus scroll through randomness in nature.
it's a lot of fun ,n i owe too much to god for lettin me see the world like this :)
October 29, 2008 12:21 AM
Hi Abhisek,
Mehnat rang layi hai, Keep going.
Great work, my friend. Thanks for sharing this. What an amazing undertaking this must have been. Outstanding.
all in this post is perfect. Your art and your technic are amazing.
WOW ur stuff is sooo inspiring
i especially love your big cats a few posts below.. gorgeous!!
i'll def. be checking this blog regularly :)
great works my friend
thanks manoj
thanks eric ..it's always a pleasure to hav u here
Achde ..tht's too much of a compliment ha..ha..but i'm very humbled by ur motivating words ..i'll work harder to keep tht up:)
Tapan , thanks a lot friend:)
Hadi ..much to explore ..thanks for ur kind appreciation:)
good news is thta maybe in nov i'll be able to preview few samples of my book which i've been workin on ....i'm soo thrilled :)
thanks everyone for so much motivation ....it's great to be part of this sharing platform :)
the art work in this film is awesome love your work :)
It's awesome, fantastic and beautiful... A lesson.... congrats
Waw buddy its damn cool loved every thing in it!!! Awesome man!!! So??? Whats the next thing u post????? Cant wait to c it!!! :)
HrishKESH!!! , thanks for visitin often ..this film was done sum four plus years back when i was a student ...really worked on the visual styling ...glad u liked it:)
Rodrigo .lotsa THANKS:)
thanks!!! ERIC ur comment alwys adds to my confidence .thanks for likin it:)
Hey PASCAL !! i;ll be quit a world where animals and humanity can all live together:)
PRIYANSHU!!! tHaNks a ton ..ya soon u'll know what's next ..it's the book which i'm workin on .writtin n drawing ..so the preview is next on:)
thanks a lot guys for ur precious views..
there were a lot of people who hav commented on my previous posts ..so THANKS to all :)
n a very special THANKS for BARBERA CANEPA !!
WOW!! she liked my work ...tht's so cool ..
so special thanks to the super "SKY DOLL" TEAM..
if u've not seen it go check it out ..it's jus too brilliant:)
ALESSANDRO AND B.CANEPA for droppin by ,means a lot :)
thanks ,,thanks n more :)
Precioso trabajo!!
Fantástico! Elegante! Impecable! Nice, very nice!
Thank you for visiting my blog.
HI !!!
Really amazing stuff! Thanks for sharing.
awesome job
i love that top composition!!
i remember this film!! i had to make a poster for this film in Arun's class.... how you doing??
*muah* and lots of love... :)
Awesome blog man!!! Great work!
thanks every one ...
sorry for no updates ..
jus been goin super crazy with work :)
OSKAR !!!! i luv "solo";s work soooo much ..glad u liked my efforts ,thanks:)
scorpio ..thanks man
canga..motivating words like always ,thanks:)
andre...nu stuff looks cool on ur blog .
keeep em comin:)
anish so nice to hear from u:)
sivers!!! the film preproduction looks awesum ..lotsa luk
mike!!! i adore ur style too , thanks for droppin by :)
thanks !! thanks !!! thanks!!
Abhishek!!! Thanks for the comments on my blog. Beautiful work here yourself! I love your film and I really dig those white tiger designs!! Great stuff my friend!
Thanks Rawls!!!
i'm likin ur "Agent Orange" stuff a lot too !!!
thanks for floatin in
beautiful work and such a pretty sweet story! simply loved it! :)
hope to see more of yr animations uploaded!
loved the way u put the thought in there..
hope we could restore all that we have lost, back to the nature..
beautiful animation, music, characters... i mean everything!!
great going dude..
wish to see more of it in future..
keep up..
wonderfully done --I love the story and the characters :)
GR88 work I love this short film Whn i seen this first time in my college(2006)tht time i think who is the artist of this supereb short film really Amazing wrk style.Today i m very happy to see ur profile :)
Wow - this is superb! Absolutely love it! discovering blogs like yours is what keeps me ticking :-)
Daneeee! DAneee!!
Daneeee! DAneee!!
Daneeee! DAneee!!
eaaiii brother!!
U're great Deni!
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