so finalee a nu post !!! it's been really long since i last posted ,
...this post is a sketch i happen to do of one of my fav cha from the epic "Mahabharat" called "Karna" he was born to kunti as a result of a boon given by the "Sun" god himself. over his life he became to signify "Selflessness" ,it's a journey of a man who's so gifted but how fate conspires against him ,it's a story of a man against himself..he's also the only one in the war who get's cremated by Lord "Krishna" himself. will post more on this soon :)
...also hav been workin on an extremely interestin project ....all underwraps but soon will share bits .i'm really excited about this one as on this project i'm doin the story too n it's been great so far.
n Thanks a lot everyone for takin time out to post in a comment ...THANKS:)
WOW!!! Just WOW!!! Your stuff is always amazing and also very inspirational!!! I have no choice but to link you up! Look forward to stopping by again in the future!!!
Truly amazing work. The character design is just outstanding and I love the metallic look. I'm blown away.
Excellent picture. I love the colours you chose for it and especially all the swirlys. Gonna link to you right away!
Wonderful and powerful image!
thanks for linking me !!! realy realy appreciate it!! your stuffs are awesome toO!
cool work...
n Karna is my fev cha also.
WOW....amazing...I loved it...will call up soon :) Great going bro. see you soon :)
the design on those tigers are amazing, great job Abhishek!
..........................................................................am still struggling to get words to express the way i felt for this character. the determination in his eyes to face anything, his posture, and hey he is the golden man of mahabharat bro. i loved the way you chose your pallet, he is scintillating. i don wanna say anything about this beautiful piece as what i feel will any time defeat what i could write! as always hats off bro!
thanks evry one !!!
for likin the peice ,i l am tryin to explore this further along with it's story ,he's such a great cha.
THANKS !!!! for ur kind words everyone
You're back!
Very bold colors... love it! You sure made Karna look quite heroic.
Can't wait for the rest of your story.
thanx for stopping by, glad I checked out your blog. Your work is wonderfully imaginative.
awesome work man ,i love ur styl coooooooooooooool :)
Great rendition of Karna! The colour pallete is well thought of.
Hey Abhishek!!! Thanks for the kind words on my site man. You've got an amazing style yourself my friend! Beautiful work. Keep in touch!
Ahhh! I like the tonal use! really wonderful!
Something fresh after eons! :P
keep it up! I like the loose and rapid lines used here!
keep em coming mate!
Incredible work!
I'm glad I discovered your stuff!
Der aaye, durust aaye. Nice concept.
all your blog and your univers is splendid and amazing! Bravo!
wonderful design! I can't wait to see what's next:)
well i must say that you have a great style and your rokin it all over keep doing em !!!
Breathtaking work!! Karna has always been my favourite!! I really loved it a lot!!
INCREDIBLE! your cat designs blew me away.
U R Stuff is a awesome,
The design is just outstanding...
My turn to let a post on your amazing blog,i've just discovered it,and well....Nothing else to say except that i've already put you in my links.....
a beautifull illustration as allways. Your great civilization appears in your art. Thank you for the link. Just a little precision: my name is Achdé (Gribouillachdé is a game word araound my name). Thank you for the little correction. And one more time Bravo! your job is amzing !
thank you for your comments on my blog, my friend. I didn't know that Lucky Luke was famous in your country ! 'Happy you appreciate my work. You are in my links too, "tigerman"!
THANKS !!! everyone ....
i thought tht i should write a line for everyone but then i don't think i hav enough words or ways to descibe my experience when i scrolled through everyone's blog's ...i was inspired and reminded to work even harder but more importantly ENJOY!!! my art ..i think that what makes it diffrent n tht is what makes art UR'S ..
i discovered blogs of people who's work ive seen n read growin up.."their" art has been a part of my life ..,i saw blogs of people who's art i've never seen before , workin from various corners of the world .each voice sayin sumthing unique ..n i've been very happy to connect to the same "sync"....so i thanks everyone again for "sharin" their vision n for their kind motivation.
now i'll get bak to the board:) n draw sum more
Wow...cool works...I like that!
Your tiger is wonderful.
Hugs from Bazil!!!
that is absolutely mindblowing.
It's a amazing stuff, a big lesson...
wow wow wow wow
Can I add you to my links?
Your work are very great and awesome!
Beautiful stuff!!
"Water Characters"a few posts down are really amazing!!
Fantastic art!
Love the design and the light!
i like this. cool designe
BOSS , you rock man ,, !!!! karna rocks as well.. i would like see how you would come up for an ARJUNA cha,,?? :)
Dear Abhishek,
I will be very very frank. It started 2 hours back that I saw a rerun of MAHABHARAT on a TV channel.I just watched it for 5 mins and flipped over the channel. 2 mins later i was on Wiki checkin out details about KARNA. Saw a painting there and it was written "A portrait of Karna by Abhi."
i was mesmerised by the picture, in absolute awe i read the article and quickly saved the pic. I even uploaded in on my Facebook profile.but something inside told me, i want to know who this ABHI is... i googled and found this blog of yours and the many paintings and witeups 'bout 'em. Mr Abhishek Singh, i have no clue who you are (i know you paint), I have no idea if you are a big,accomplished painter or just starting out (pardon me as i dont follow painting as such). But i must say ....dude ABSOLUTELY AMAZING TALENT U HAVE!! I've become a fan of yours!! one can play so much with imagination and add talent/skill to it and magic is created! please keep up the great work!! m saving all ur pics dude.. hope u dont mind ;)
Hi Abishek,
I read this somewhere and its stuck with me:
The catepillar said, "its the end of the world",
The master said,"its the beginning of a butterfly".
Your art is eveidently beautiful, but its your thoughts behind them that embibe them with their real beauty.
Thanks...your blog makes one feel like a butterfly!
Your art is amazing and has inspired me more than a few times. Such emotion and flourish in each piece. Can't wait to see more and more.
coool...your painting is always awesome, i'm new to see your work but i can it's AMAZING....
in Indonesia Karna usually called as Adipati Karna, adipati means "Duke"
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