i thought that i'll post in sumthing new also before i put my film up,so here's a very quick color study called the "swamp mornin":)
I thought this time I’ll share my short animation film with u all .
It’s called ”A Hunter’s tale” a pretty simple story. about a hunter and his realizations towards the animal world.
This was a wonderful experience and my small n humble attempt to understand various aspect of story telling and visual tonality which goes into making a film ,and the pursuit to know more about the story world still continues ,
.i enjoyed each n every bit of it .sleepless night’s, drawing away to my life and mixed paint stored in big soda bottles so I have enough supply of a particular shade to maintain color consistency of my characters in the film sheets scattered around in my room and that constant buzzing of studio scanner ,took me close to six thousand fully hand painted frames to complete this Everest job n a big thanks to all those who helped me scan these big bundles.
And I owe it a lot to all who helped me put this together,
now when I look back at it I can see zillion ways I could have made it better ,but we all evolve as people and artists n it’s good if we feel this way in retrospect .but one can’t take away the fact that something’s which u do for your own self and with so much heart will always remain emotional n at sum level will define you.
i think after my current project is over which I’m very excited about .soon will share some work ,
maybe a short film after that ..who knows:)
few explorations of te cha and environments..did one 14feet long bg for this film ..was trippy:)