
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Dhyana Roopa - the meditative divine -an exhibition.

Bhairava- an incarnation of lord shiva who celebrates the ending of a cycle .he's the master of time.
Dhyana Roopa - the meditating creator

Trimurti- three faces of divine -Creation , balance and destruction and their symbolic relationship

Shiva sitting and meditating on nandi.

Rama - a warrior prince who becomes a symbol of extreme righteousness .medium- ink and brush.
Vaaman- the story of three steps and humility. medium- photo inks.
Varaha- an incarnation of vishnu as a wild boar restoring the energy field of earth. medium-ink and brush
Matsya- the Fish incarnation ,the story also explain the origins of life and is a parallel to noah's arc. medium- gouche.
The curator

Arjun the man behind the scene.

Parashuram- the brahmin warrior. medium-oils.
a little making of
and a little more..

Kalki- the one who will end this cycle of life. medium- open acrylic
Koorma- vishnu as tortoise a symbol of harmony between five senses.medium -open acrylic
Krishna- the mystical God medium- ink and brush
Bhairav- the master of time medium - gouache.
few initial sketches were also displayed along. medium- ink and brush.
Buddha- the spiritual poet. medium- watercolors

The descent of ganges. medium -ink and brush.

First of all THANKS to everyone who kept coming to this blog despite any new posts, THANK YOU for all the motivation.
last couple of months have been a race against time , as i was buzy exploring and painting away a collection of works which just got Exhibited at the Academy of fine art and literature in Delhi between the 8th and the 12th Dec.
The theme for the show was" DHYAN-ROOPA" which means the meditative aspect of the divine , bringing forth the relationship between the forces of Creation, preservation and Destruction and their exquisite Balance.
The paintings showcased reinterpretation of the "dasa-avatar"-the TEN incarnation of lord Vishnu which not only explains the Darwinian principals of evolution but also existential mysteries of the human mind and matter. this was intertwined with five Incarnations of Shiva
( the god who ends the cycles of time( kaal bhairava).
The intent was to tell these stories outside the known boundaries of religion and link them up with a more"Humanistic" code of life.
though some pieces were highly symbolic some simply framed these Gods in a state of Thoughtfulness.
The show was Curated by Divvya Nirula and was brought together by Arjun NIrula of the NIrula family art trust , the tale of my friendship with arjun is nothing less then unusual but ill keep it for later as this is just the beginning.
The sizes of the paintings were between 4ft x 3ft to 5ft x 10ft and tons and tons of explorations were made to conceive them some of them were displayed to showcase the process as well.
i extend a BIG THANK YOU to all the friends and dear ones who made it to the show from various corners and parts of the planet and to everyone who brought the art ,everything got Sold Out and now to make more back to the books and board:)


ZOHEB A said...
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ZOHEB A said...

superb guruji

Unknown said...

very strong work and so beautifull

Nimi said...

Very inspiring and charismatic works of art :)

vikrant said...

Hi Abhi,
you have done tremendous job have lifted your work to very high level.just great.

Sayantan Halder said...

speechless i am....

Sinu Chandrasenan said...

Pure insanity... love all of it bro! :)

Abhilash.N said...

Hi Abhishek...! No words to describe ...!! Absolutely Mind blowing man. Dropped my chin seeing the thrimurthi design. All Indian Mythological essence in one big canvas...!! Extra ordinary man. Hats off.

A. Riabovitchev said...

Beautiful!Love your work!:o)

Gulzar said...

chumpalioushly superb man! ( dont know if that word really is but surly fits in this moment you are in )

Marcelo Vignali said...

Wow, I'd say you've been busy! Great looking EPIC work.

Raghu G said...

Inspiring a r t

Unknown said...


lostinarc said...

Wonderful creation...awesome art Abhishek....would love to see them live some time......

Anthony Holden said...

Wow--what a fantastic body of work!

abhishek singh said...

Thank you everyone:)
i was in total hibernation to create art for this exhibit , the blog suffered a lack , so Thanks to al the "wake up" calls and letters :)
the thumb nailing for the next selection of paintings has begun , it focuses on the female energies,
n what else beyond "Mythology" well have been working on a bunch of stories the recent one is about"
a kid in mumbai (6 year old) who's not seen the sky because of the sky scrapers, so his journey from the ground floor to the terrace of the building he lives in.
i'll post some of the doodles soon:)
MUMBAI/ BOMBAY- is a very dense city , when i moved there i could hardly see the sky but eventually got lucky to have a flat right next to the terrace:)
more later...
Thanks again everyone:)

andrew said...

Your large scale artwork for this show is impressive, glad the show went well.

Yuriy Sivers said...

Oh wow. You are such an inspiration!

Unknown said...

Your blog is great! I find you from Leovi, check out my blog about art as well =)

Luispa Salmon said...

:o!! great stuff!, awesome exposition

ketepo said...

wow!love them!rellay impressive, all of them!and so finely drawed, so explosive.

Eveline said...

Great job Abhi! So very proud of the hard work, progress and getting the ship turned around! The exhibition looks like a great win. Everything you do is a work of art & lives up to a standard that is beyond what anyone else can achieve. YOU DESERVE THE SUCCESS! Looking forward to hanging out with you in 2011. Happy New Year, my dear friend. ♥

Achde said...

incredible and awesome job for this exhibition. You are really an artist with a great "A" as we say in french. Bravo dear friend.
PS: best wishes for this new year in our occidental culture.

Shyam S. Deshpande said...

Congrats and Thanks a lot for the inspiration Abhishek.

Luv said...

Love the sketches, love the description and vedic references even more.
Thanks for sharing.

Tampha said...

This series is amazing! I've always spoken & written about how VIshnu's Dashavataara has parallels with the theory of evolution itself... & to see your paintings only inspire me to explore this concept more!
Absolutely Awesome!

robi pena said...

A M A Z I N G, ^__^!! Beautiful my good friend!! Wish you all the best for 2011!! Cheers :-)

Stephan said...

amazing work!

Siddhartha Joshi said...

Superb work again Abhishek. Its also good to read what you write about your work, adds so much more to everything that you do!

Looking forward to the next set of stunning work :)

abhishek singh said...

Again and Again i can say Thanks A TON :)
it's lovely to have everyone dropping by and leaving behind their thoughts and encouragement.
work wise , i'm still chazing my final submission ,
let's just say
" things get far more demanding by the virtue of working on your own projects"
the book almost touches a three year mark now,did few others projects to survive,
but it's been more of a journey of improving ability and thought, exploring the new writer side ,
this will be the "first" officialy which i have drawn and writen myself..
and yes the next blog update coming soon .
THanks everyone:)

Siddhartha Joshi said...

All the best Abhishek!

Sachin Kondhalkar said...

nice...well done :)

offish said...

great stuff dude...most inspiring of all was seeing u in action on a large canvas...keep it up...keep inspiring

Chirimirimoya said...

OH MY GOD!!! It´s a WONDERFUL and a very very Strong work!!!
It´s beautiful!!! Congratulations from Spain!!!
I´ll follow you!!!

Francisco Martins said...

Ohhhh my GOD!!!! sooooooo many posts... how in the hell did I miss all this??? dudeee, this is ahhhhhmazing!!! super congrats on these exhibitions VJ, you are THE MAN! your art is soooo freaking beautiful, I LOVE your stuff, loveeeeeeeeeeee it! omg I'm so happy for you, you must be thrilled and very proud of your self, at least YOU SHOULD BE!
All the posts that I missed are incredible, I always get so inspired when I come to visit you :)

huge congratulations hug to you straight from Lisbon!

Francisco Martins said...

ups, sorry I just called you VJ (I'm friends with VJ also, and was commenting on his blog as well at the same time, so i got the names mixed up, SORRY! lol

Chris Dacol said...


Sherman Unkefer said...

Gorgeous! I'm so impressed at your work! Really amazing.
Sherman Unkefer

Adrien Deggan said...

How much patience do you have?!!!
Amazing work!!


KATia Grifols said...

wow!!!! Super cool exposition!!! :)

Desiree said...

Your work is crazy amazing - so incredible.

Andrea Calisi said...

i like it!

Ehsan HG said...


Patrick Leyendecker said...

not in real....i don want to know how long you worked on this project, perfect job, i wanted to see it in real. greets

Zepol Ilustradora said...


abhishek singh said...


Shelley Whiting said...

These pictures are epic and larger than life. Your drawings skills are very impressive. Strong and beautiful work.

earthbound misfit said...


Nimish S Patil said...

one of the most creative art about hindi mythology ever seen by me in ink.
just love the artwork
every detail counts in 'trimurti' & ' dhyaanroop'
a salute to an artist by an artist.

Nimish S Patil said...

one of the most creative art about hindi mythology ever seen by me in ink.
just love the artwork
every detail counts in 'trimurti' & ' dhyaanroop'
a salute to an artist by an artist.

M B said...

unbelievable man
never imagine such beautiful and innovative roopa of lord shiva and bhairav relly out of this world
hats off to your work
keep it up.