part of sumthig i'm workin on these days ,,, an explaoration for a dream sequence ...can't reveal much ..
it's a rough thematic conceptual sketch ..i do a lot of these to pour out my thoughts on the subject ..more spontaneous and feelin based ..it's always a two way traffic with drawings and what ur thinking while doin it ..most of the time my explorations are channelized towards finding an emotional connect with the story ...
hope u'll like the attempt
Love the movement and composition of this piece! Also really like your chime illustration... what a great concept for a short film.
thanks for your comments... you have really cool work!
Hey awesome work bro....come back soon and upload new stuff...
My good friend, your paintings are stunning. I wish I could paint with watercolors. So many avenues to go down, and you can only pick so many, arrrgghh! Your colors and art is very inspiring. Keep it up.
And thanks for the comments, it's a big boost.
thanks eric ,raghu
thanks for ur frequent modest visits.
thanks andre , toonfactory , n ele march..
thanks for ur kind compliments.
thanks guys ..:)
Awesome designs! Very inspiring!!!
great works
Dude we are waiting for new stuff....upload some of your latest explorations...
i've been travellin still not bak ..
will put up nu stuff soon ..
Hey Abhishek, very cool desings here! thank you for sharing them with us.
Hey Abhishek! Came here from Long's space.... great to see your work! Was about to tell you to visit Robin Josef's blog... later figured he's already in your blogroll.
Enjoyed the 'water characters'.... 'blue god' n stuff is coming out great!
nicolas ..thanks for ur appreciation ..u too hav sum amazin stuff on ur blog!!! thanks again ..
heyyy kundu ..good to hear from u n thanks for ur comment ..sum lovely work on ur blog too
thanks guys
very cool. i like it.
Thank you for your kind words on my blog. I love your work also!! Beautiful stuff! I will be back for more soon!!:)
u've captured the mood brilliantly!...love the flow of colors......big fan!
thanks a ton guys for floatin in ..
thanks cb ,,great to always hav u on my blog ...ur stuff looks lovely..keep em comin..
martin ...big fan of ur work..so much to grasp from it too!!!
vivek great stuff man ..sum of the best i've seen of the 3d world .great:)
keep comin in guys
Wow, fantastic work you have here!Colours, lines, I love the ethereal-ness of it all.
hi Abhishek cool art work , loved your blog .good to see emotional approach in the work :)
Hi Abhishek
yor colorig style is realy great. Hope to see more color in yor blog.
Fantastic work! The characters are very interesting and the colors are lovely
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